Bagaimana kami
boleh membantu anda?

tanya tentang Insurans Kereta

lebih 5 tahun lalu

Apa yang berlaku jika saya tidak mempunyai perlindungan insurans?

1,064 Views 1 Jawapan

Bagaimana kami
boleh membantu anda?

1 Jawapan

In case you do not have an insurance cover, not only you’ll have to pay a penalty of up to RM 3,000 but your road tax receipt will also be seized until you get an insurance cover. Moreover, you’ll also get your name registered in the offenders' list. Furthermore, if you meet with an accident, all the payments regarding the damages to your vehicle, any physical injuries, and the losses incurred by the third party shall be paid by you.

lebih 5 tahun lalu