Bagaimana kami
boleh membantu anda?

tanya tentang Jual Kereta

lebih 5 tahun lalu

Saya mempunyai kereta arwah ayah saya dan masih belum menyelesaikan pinjaman. Bolehkah saya menjual kereta itu dan sila maklumkan kepada saya prosedur untuk meneruskan.

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Bagaimana kami
boleh membantu anda?

1 Jawapan



(1) Get the death certificate of the deceased and go to the Balai police and make a report statement.

(2) Get the report statement/letter and drive the car to JPJ for inspection. Check with JPJ system on how to transfer owndership to the respective person. The deceased's legal wife/children must be present to sign the documents.

(3) If the family has a lawyer, please ask advice from the lawyer to transfer the name to heir.


(1) Get the death certificate of the deceased and go to the balai police and make a report statement/get a confirmation letter from the court

(2) Get the report statement/letter to JPJ so that they can do the neccessary transfer to the heir (wife/kid) and continue with the father's loan.

(3) Once ownership has been transferred, the new owner of the car can decide to sell the car as usual .


1) The family pays off the loan first and proceed with NO LOAN procedure above

Most importantly, you’ll have to check with the JPJ system.


lebih 5 tahun lalu