How can we
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asked about Car Accident

over 1 year ago

My car was hit by a lorry and the lorry driver was found guilty and sued by the police. My car suffered severe damage (total loss). Can I claim the lorry insurance and also claim my own car insurance at the same time?

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How can we
assist you?

1 Answer


In this case you can claim from both. The normal procedure is though to claim from your own insurance company as in this particular case:

1. The lorry who caused the accident has been found guilty so their insurance company is liable to cover all costs

2. In this case you should not lose your no claims bonus either

3. Your insurance company will claim for all the costs of repair from the lorry drivers insurance company.

By claiming through your own insurance company they will recover all the costs themselves, if you claim through the lorry drivers insurance it will take considerably longer,.

You can however claim your excess from the lorry drivers insurance, but it will take some time to recover.

I hope that helps


over 1 year ago