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over 4 years ago

How do I check if a used car is accident free?

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2 Answers

Ziyaad Bin Amjad

Hey Krish, here are 5 signs that a used car might not accident free.

1. Paint issue

- Some may have patches, whether it's just a slightly different shade, a variance of the shine or completely mismatching colors between the various different body panels, it all points to a car that had its bodywork repaired. Still, do double check with the seller.

2. Replaced parts

- Many drivers turn to a form of filler to fill in a dent or crack on a car. Whilst filler can help some dents vanish with barely a blemish left, the mixture can actually harm the body of the car if it isn’t mixed properly. The filler mix can cause cracking around the dented area, discoloration and a weakened area that is vulnerable to general wear and tear in the long term.

3. Car doesn't drive straight

- When a car couldn't drive straight it means the alignment is off. In the worst case scenario, it may even be a car that has a bent chassis that is impossible to be properly aligned. Never purchase such a vehicle without demanding for a realignment to be done, if possible, and ascertain that the issue has been rectified.

4. Visible creased panels

- The malleable steel sheets, which make up most of a car, could crease upon the impact of a collision, and a proper repair job would see to it that the body of the car is straightened as much as possible. However, a shoddy repair job might leave concealed areas such as the boot floor or sections in the engine bay still visibly creased.

5. Unevenly worn tyres

- Tyre treads that are worn on one side more than the other could be an indicator that the car has be in an accident. Check the framework surrounding the tyres, as well as the rims to see if they are scraped or dented. It could be a sign that the car has been involved in something serious.


about 3 years ago

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12 days ago