CIMB Bank Berhad

RM1,249.05 /mth

Interest Rate


Min Loan Amount


Max Loan Tenure

9 yrs

Used Car Loan,
RM80,000 for 84 months


Secure your dream car with CIMB 1-Minute Auto Financing InstaApproval. Get flexible financing terms and competitive fixed or variable interest rates.

Minimum Annual Income: RM 24,000

Last Updated: 12/07/2024

Secure your dream car with CIMB 1-Minute Auto Financing InstaApproval. Get flexible financing terms and competitive fixed or variable interest rates.

Minimum Annual Income: RM 24,000

Your monthly repayments are calculated using a flat interest rate. Using this flat interest rate your payments will stay fixed and stiff as a stick throughout the entire tenure. That is to say, your car loan payments will be the same every month and never vary. 

On the other hand, you can also take up monthly instalments with a variable rate. That means your interest rate may fluctuate up or down throughout your loan period.

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